De Amerikaanse Association for Documentary Editing kondigt het verschijnen aan van het online-tijdschrift Scholarly Editing, de voortzetting van het gedrukte periodiek Documentary Editing.

De aankondiging van Scholarly Editing door de redacteuren Amanda Gailey en Andrew Jewell luidt als volgt: ‘We are delighted to announce the debut of Scholarly Editing: The Annual of the Association for Documentary Editing, now online at Published for over 30 years as a print publication titled Documentary Editing, Scholarly Editing continues to publish articles about the theory and practice of editing and reviews of new editions. In addition to this material, Scholarly Editing offers new, innovative content: the journal is among the first—if not *the* first—to publish peer-reviewed editions of primary source materials of cultural significance. We are pleased not only to present editors with a rigorously peer-reviewed publication platform, but also to share fascinating documents from cultural history with the reading public. All of this material is available freely online and is completely open-access.’

De inhoud van de eerste aflevering:

•    “Introduction to the First Issue of Scholarly Editing: The Annual of the Association for Documentary Editing” by Amanda Gailey (University of Nebraska-Lincoln) and Andrew Jewell (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)

•    “The Inscription of Walt Whitman’s ‘Live Oak, with Moss’ Sequence: A Restorative Edition” edited by Steven Olsen-Smith (Boise State University)
•    “Selection from Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin: A Digital Critical Edition: ‘Topsy’” edited by Wesley Raabe (Kent State University) and Les Harrison (Virginia Commonwealth University)
•    “‘The Firstling/Erstling/He Complex’ by Baroness Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven” edited by Tanya Clement (University of Texas, Austin) and Gaby Divay (University of Manitoba)

•    “Musical Works, Musical Texts, and Musical Editions: A Brief Overview” by Ronald Broude (The Broude Trust)
•    “A ‘Succession of Little Occurrences’: Scholarly Editing and the Organization of Time in John Tanner’s Narrative” by John Fierst (Central Michigan University)
•    “The Common Pot: Editing Native American Materials” by Paul Grant-Costa (Yale University), Tobias Glaza (Yale University), and Michael Sletcher (Yale University)
•    “Documentary Editing in the New Scholarly Ecosystem” (Presidential Address, Association for Documentary Editing Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2011) by Susan H. Perdue (University of Virginia)

•    The Having of Negroes Is Become a Burden: The Quaker Struggle to Free Slaves in Revolutionary North Carolina By Michael J. Crawford. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2010. Reviewed by Donna E. Kelly (North Carolina Office of Archives and History)
•    Reminiscences & Traditions of Boston. By Hannah Mather Crocker. Edited by Eileen Hunt Botting and Sarah L. Houser. New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2011. Reviewed by Beverly Wilson Palmer (Pomona College)
•    Recent Editions. Compiled by W. Bland Whitley, Reviews Editor (Princeton University)

De Association for Documentary Editing houdt haar volgende congres in augustus 2012 in Charlottesville, Virginia. Bekijk hier de Call for Papers.

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